Sunday, July 25, 2010

A 'generation in peril' in China

Local issues are often the subject of free speech.Image via Wikipedia
I was intrigued by this idea quoted by Clarissa Oon in The Sunday Times today. The Internet can spawn independent thinkers or be used to violate the right to free speech or privacy, she quoted a Shanghai Professor Zhu Dake. I mean, seriously, Singaporeans are not used to free speech in traditional medium and the Internet has given that amount of anonymity power to individuals. Are you going to take it back?  There has always been a battle between authoritative control and citizen oppression here. Even with the constraints laid out by law, we are trying hard not to step onto the unknown bounderless markers. So reading this "generation in peril" article about China makes me think about this struggle. China and Singapore have commonality, besides the obvious Chinese population dominance; both countries' leaders may have the same mentality of discipline. Prof Zhu was quoted, "the freedom offered by the Internet has been abused" by citizens. Seriously?!

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