Friday, July 30, 2010

iPhone 4 in Singapore experiences little "death grip" incident

iPhone4 side viewImage by A7design1 via Flickr
You can be sure Singaporeans eagerly take up the challenge to demystify the claims that the  US counterparts have - the infamous Apple's iPhone4 antennagate. They experimented the gorgeous phone with different telcos - M1, SingTel and StarHub - and posted their videos on YouTube. So it really goes down to service provider and the location you are at. I am using Samsung Pixon 12 and I must say the "death grip" is so often I want to smash it.

Straits Times' Digital Life editor, Grace Chng, validated those experiments below. She wrote in the Straits Times today (29 July 2010): "I gripped it tightly and watched the signal strength drop to one bar as I approached basement 3. I made a call, it went through, the conversation was clear."

So there you go...

Here are some of them:



 Another SingTel user but with zero signal!!

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